What Are The

Healthiest Energy Drinks?

Discover the top 5 healthiest energy drinks on the market today, to boost your energy levels without compromising your health.

Reviewed and fact-checked by certified nutritionists.

In this guide:

Old energy drinks:

  • Quick boost of energy followed by energy “crashes”
  • High in sugar and calories
  • Contains a lot of unhealthy artificial sweeteners
  • No benefits aside from energy boost

New energy drinks (claims)

  • Sustained boost of energy without crashes
  • Low in sugar and calories
  • Doesn’t contain aspartame or ace-K (two unhealthy artificial sweeteners)
  • May boost immune system on top of increasing energy

The question you may ask yourself is:

Are “healthy” energy drinks really healthy, or is it just a marketing hype that is surfing on the “better for you” trend?

What are the key things to look for in a “healthy” energy drink? And what are the things to avoid at all costs? Is it even possible to find an energy drink that is both effective (boosts your energy levels fast, Red Bull-style) and healthier for you?

This guide was specifically made to help you narrow down the choices of healthier energy drinks available on the market today. Our guide has been carefully reviewed by professional nutritionists and dieticians, to ensure high-quality and accurate information.

Did You Know?

A can of Rockstar energy drink contains 63 grams of added sugar, the equivalent of 16 teaspoons of sugar

That’s 152% higher than the daily recommended amount
World Health Organization

High amounts of added sugar have been found to increase your risk of cardiovascular problems, diabetes, dementia, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and several types of cancer.

Another risk is the excessive dose of caffeine many energy drinks contain. The FDA recommends that your daily caffeine intake should not exceed 400 mg a day. Anything above that level can damage your heart and your brain. 

Several popular energy drinks contain between 300 and 400 mg of caffeine, meaning that drinking them may be dangerous if you take several cans a day or drink coffee during the day. 

“Some energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine that can be dangerous and negatively impact your heart, not to mention your anxiety and ability to sleep,”
Valerie Gately, MS, RDN, LD
Registered dietitian
“Consuming too much of the drinks can result in high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, anxiety, and insomnia, and the drinks are particularly dangerous for adolescents,”
Frank Hu, Fredrick J.
Stare Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology and chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Overall, energy drinks are certainly not healthy, and should be consumed in moderation.

Aspartame and Ace-K: The Silent Killers

Many “healthy” energy drinks are packed with unhealthy artificial sweeteners to make the taste sweet, which may cause long-term health damage


Acesulfame potassium (Ace-K)

So, does it mean that no energy drink can really be healthy? According to nutritionists, there are some drinks on the market that are definitely better for your health, and which may have some health benefits, depending on their formulation.

“If we look at what the industry is currently offering, there are indeed a select few beverages that are not as unhealthy as traditional energy drinks. For instance, drinks that are low on sugar, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and formulated with real natural ingredients are definitely a much healthier option than the Red Bulls of this world. In fact, beverages that use clinically-reviewed functional ingredients may even provide tangible health benefits, although more research is needed”

What are the key benefits of healthy energy drinks?

Here are the main benefits you can reasonably expect from healthier energy drinks, according to nutritionists and up-to-date clinical studies:

Improve energy levels while reducing the risk of “energy crashes”.

Healthier energy drinks tend to use alternative ingredients that can provide a more sustained boost of energy than caffeine. Clinical studies indicate that natural ingredients such as ginger root or panax ginseng can enhance mental and physical energy compared to placebo. Further, the energy boost caused by these “alternative energy boosters” can be just as strong as traditional energy drinks, with fewer side effects on average. Healthier drinks also typically contain less caffeine than usual, which reduces the risk of sudden energy crashes and unpleasant jitters. 

May aid weight loss.

Drinks with low amounts of sugar and calories, containing green tea extract and caffeine from natural sources, may promote weight loss. This is due to the natural fat-burning properties of catechins (molecules present in green tea) and caffeine, as documented by several clinical trials. 

May improve focus and help clear brain fog.

Healthier energy drinks can still contain high concentrations of neuro-stimulants, including caffeine. As long as the dosage is safe, these stimulants can help improve mental performance and focus. For example, L-Tyrosine, a safe natural ingredient present in some energy drinks, has been clinically proven to decrease reaction time and improve working memory in n-back cognitive tests. Ginger root has also been linked to enhanced mental performance in several studies. 

May improve immune function.

While more research is still needed on this aspect, several studies suggest that drinks infused with antioxidants and vitamins (specifically vitamin B6 and B12), can promote healthy immunity by supporting cell health, energy levels, and cardiovascular health. 

What to look for in a healthy energy drink:

With dozens of products that claim to be healthy and “good for you”, it can be difficult to know what is factually true from what isn’t. Especially since these products tend to be heavily marketed. 
To help you choose an energy drink that is genuinely healthier for you, we prepared a list of key “green flags” – following the latest recommendations from leading nutritionists. 

What to avoid:

High in sugar

High in calories

Excessive dose of caffeine (over 200 mg)

Contains unhealthy artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or Ace-K

The Top 5 Healthiest Energy Drinks On The Market Today, According To Nutritionists

To help you choose an energy drink that is both healthier for you and effective, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 healthiest energy drinks. This list was carefully curated in partnership with certified nutritionists, and takes several factors into consideration, including: ingredients quality, health impact, taste, value for money, and verified customer reviews.

#1 Alpine Bliss Cognitive Energy Booster

Final Grade

9.5 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



Alpine Bliss is a premium, fast-growing Swiss brand of flavored sparkling water offering functional health benefits, using clinically studied ingredients. The Alpine Bliss Cognitive Energy Booster is a powerful, fruity energy drink that combines pure alpine water sourced from the European Alps with natural energy-boosting ingredients.
One of the standout features of this Alpine Bliss is its ability to provide a strong, sustained boost of energy for several hours, without causing unpleasant energy crashes often associated with traditional energy drinks. This is achieved through a unique blend of high-quality plant-based ingredients, including 70 mg of caffeine from natural sources, L-tyrosine, panax ginseng, and high-purity ginger root extract.
Consumers report experiencing a powerful and clean boost of energy, comparable to that of regular energy drinks, without jitters or crashes.
Aside from enhancing mental and physical energy, this formula is also known for creating a distinct feeling of well-being thanks to a proprietary blend of plant-based ingredients called DopaBliss. This natural blend is specifically designed to boost cognitive levels – the “happy hormone” responsible for making us feel good and happy.
From a nutrition standpoint, the drink is also scoring pretty well. The formula contains zero added sugar, just 25 calories per can, and only 5 grams of natural sugar from wild berries. It doesn’t contain any harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame or ace-K. The drink is also a rich source of vitamin B6 and B12 – two vitamins that promote a healthy metabolism.
Beyond its functional health benefits, the Alpine Bliss formula also performs well on taste, according to consumers. Users praise its fruity wild berries flavor and refreshing fine bubbles. It strikes a delicate balance of sweetness and freshness, and delivers an enjoyable drinking experience.
On the minus side, we note that the drink is quite expensive ($3.95 per can) – which can be explained by the “fancy” ingredients that it contains, including extracts of saffron and ginger roots (some of the most expensive spices in the world). We also note that the drink is frequently out of stock, because it’s produced in limited batches as of now.
Taking all of this into consideration puts Alpine Bliss Dopamine Energy booster in our #1 spot.

#2 Zevia Energy Drink

Final Grade

8.8 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



Zevia Zero Calorie Energy Drink, with flavours including Raspberry Lime and Pineapple Coconut, is a good option for people looking for a healthier energy boost.
The drink contains no sugar, no carbs, no sodium, no fat, and it is suitable for a variety of diets including vegan, kosher, Paleo, and Keto. Sweetened with stevia leaf extract, this makes it an appropriate option for those who are on a diet but who still want to drink energy beverages for the energy kick they provide.
The primary source of energy is 120 milligrammes of caffeine per can, which comes from green tea leaves.
While this provides a large energy boost, moderation is essential due to the potential negative consequences of excessive caffeine consumption. We note that this dose of caffeine is slightly more than what is needed to provide a sustainable energy boost without side effects.
Such doses of caffeine may cause jitters and crashes for certain people who are sensitive to caffeine.
While most users appear to be satisfied with this drink, the taste of Zevia is not for everyone. The drink obtained mixed reviews on its taste, with some consumers finding it overly sweet and a bit too chemical in taste.
It does remain a strong option in the field of healthier, better-for-you energy drinks.

#3 Celsius Stevia

Final Grade

8.5 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



Celsius Stevia is an energy drink that aims to provide a powerful boost of energy while offering several nutritional benefits. 
One of the key features of Celsius is its low-calorie content. This makes it an attractive option for those watching their calorie intake while still seeking an energy boost.
The energy-enhancing effects of Celsius can be attributed to its high dose of caffeine and guarana seed. These ingredients provide a potent and immediate surge of energy. Another positive aspect of Celsius is its inclusion of green tea extracts, which are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are known for their health benefits, supporting overall well-being.
One of the advantages of Celsius is its wide range of tastes and flavors. This allows consumers to choose the option that best suits their preferences and keeps things interesting.
However, there are a couple of considerations to keep in mind. The caffeine dose in Celsius Stevia is relatively high at 200 mg. For individuals sensitive to caffeine or looking to limit their intake, this may be a drawback. Such a high dose of caffeine may cause unpleasant crashes in some people, which would defeat the purpose of drinking healthier energy drinks.
Additionally, while this drink uses Stevia as a sweetener (which is safe), it also contains the artificial sweetener erythritol. While more research is needed, there are some concerns that erythritol may have negative effects on cardiovascular health. Although Celsius is a very good healthier alternative to traditional energy drinks, It’s important to be aware of this potential downside and consider your individual health needs.

#4 Guayaki Yerba Mate

Final Grade

8.2 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



Guayaki Organic Yerba Mate provides a clean energy boost derived from naturally caffeinated yerba mate leaves. The brand has a good reputation and receives strong consumer reviews, based on Amazon reviews.
With a strong dose of 80 mg of caffeine, Guayaki Organic Yerba Mate offers a suitable level of stimulation for an energizing effect, and it’s not excessively high, mitigating the risk of energy crash. It can help you stay alert and focused when needed.
For those conscious of their calorie intake, Guayaki Organic Yerba Mate is low in calories, making it a good choice for individuals seeking an energy boost without excessive caloric content. It is also free from artificial sweeteners.
Although Guayaki Organic Yerba Mate contains 5 mg of sodium, which may not be ideal for some individuals, it is generally considered acceptable for most consumers.
However, it’s important to note that some studies suggest that yerba mate leaves may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known carcinogens. Further research is needed to fully understand the potential risks associated with PAHs in yerba mate consumption. Overall, the benefits appear to overpower the drawbacks.

#5 Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink

Final Grade

7.7 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink provides a strong and energizing boost supported by a potent dose of natural caffeine. The high caffeine content delivers a noticeable surge of energy, which may help you stay alert and focused.
Thanks to the inclusion of vitamin B, Zoa Energy Drink may also enhance mental energy and focus, giving you an extra edge when you need it. Additionally, the presence of vitamin C in the drink may contribute to boosting immunity, supporting overall health and well-being.
Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink is also a zero added sugar formula. This makes it a healthier choice for those looking to limit their sugar intake while still enjoying an energy-boosting beverage (although it does contain some sweeteners which may be less healthy).
Users have reported that Zoa Energy Drink has a great taste, making it enjoyable to consume. 
However, it’s important to note that Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink contains a relatively high amount of sodium, with 200 mg per can. This sodium content may be considered unjustified, as excessive sodium intake can have negative effects on health. It’s advisable to be mindful of your overall sodium intake and consider alternative options if you have specific dietary restrictions.
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