the truth about
Monster Energy Drinks

Is Monster healthy or unhealthy? Here’s what dietitians have to say

In this article:

  • Is Monster Energy really that unhealthy? 
  • How does it compare to other energy drinks?
  • 3 healthier alternatives to Monster for a strong energy boost with no side effects

Our article has been carefully reviewed by a professional nutritionist to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information. If you like Monster but are still on the fence when it comes to drinking it on a regular basis, this article is for you.

Monster is one of the most controversial energy drinks out there. Millions of people love to sip their daily can of Monster to stay sharp and boost their energy throughout the day.
But more and more people are also worried about the concerning side effects of this highly caffeinated drink… The Monster brand is under heavy regulatory scrutiny following the death of 6-year-old Francisco Cervantes, who suffered from brain death after drinking a glass filled with Monster Energy in 2022. In the past years, there has been multiple of cases of patients admitted to the emergency room for heart palpitations, abnormally high heart rate, and irregular heart rythm following Monster consumption. Since then, many consumers like you are wondering if the drink is actually safe to drink or not. So what should we really think of Monster? Is it safe to consume in the long-term? Or should you stay away from this beverage if you care about your health?
We’ll answer all these questions in this article. We’ll discuss why Monster may cause unwanted side effects such as irregular heartbeat due to its ingredient composition and what health consequences it can have on you if you drink it every day.
We will also present a selection of three healthier and great-tasting Monster alternatives for a strong and fast energy boost, without the negative side effects of Monster.

Is Monster Energy Drink “poison in a can” or is it safe to consume in moderation? Nutritionists weight in

Everybody knows that Monster is not the healthiest beverage you can drink. But how bad is it exactly? We asked a few nutritionists for their expert opinion, and the truth is not pretty

First, the caffeine content in Monster is very high, causing potential heart risks in the long run.
With 160 mg of caffeine per can, a single Monster drink can cause heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and in some extreme cases, cardiac arrests. The drink is especially dangerous for people who consume several cans per day, largely exceeding their maximum recommended daily caffeine intake. 
Clinical studies have found that the consumption of drinks like Monster can cause the following side effects:

Reduced cerebral blood flow

(which plays a key role in cognitive performance)

High blood pressure

Abnormally high heart rate

(a concerning study found an increase in heart rate of 11%, and increase in heartbeat of 20 beats/min after 7 days of Monster consumption)

Irregular heartbeat

(a study found significant changes to the interval between heartbeats after regular consumption)

Heart palpitations

“Consuming high amounts of caffeine from energy drinks like Monster can overstimulate the heart, leading to arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat) and increasing the risk of heart failure. Not only heart palpitations can feel very bad and scary, they can also put your health into serious danger, especially if your heart is already at risk,”

explains Dr. Olivia Kremer, a Boston-based cardiologist.

“There are other, healthier ways to boost your energy levels without putting your heart health on the line”.

(We share three healthier energy drinks at the bottom of this article. These drinks can provide a strong energy boost to your body and brain, without the side effects of Monster).
But the biggest red flag about Monster is its extremely high sugar content, sitting at 54 grams per can! That’s about 14 teaspoons of sugar in just one single can

14 teaspoons of sugar in just one single can…

This is 44% over the daily recommended sugar limit for men (37.5 grams) and 116% over the limit for women (25 grams),

set by the American Heart Association.

In other words, drinking one single can of Monster is enough to put your body into “sugar overload”, causing a whole range of potential health issues that include metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity.
“The sugar content in a single can of Monster Energy can far exceed the daily recommended limit, contributing to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome,” explains Josh Kinzel, MD, certified nutritionist and beverage industry specialist. 
Another major risk of drinking Monster is kidney failure. The combination of high levels of caffeine, sugar, and other chemical stimulants make your kidney work very hard, which can lead to some serious long-term kidney damage.
“Frequent consumption of Monster and similar energy drinks can lead to chronic kidney stress. Over time, the stimulants contained in the drink can reduce the kidney’s ability to to filter blood and regulate fluids in the body,”

states Dr. Kinzel.

“There has been several reports of kidney failure after drinking energy beverages like Monster, and in some cases these people were only in their mid-twenties…”

Caffeine + Taurine + glucuronolactone : the dark triad of energy drinks?

Let’s take a brief look at Monster main ingredients (non-exhaustive list):

  • Caffeine
  • Taurine
  • B-group Vitamins (including niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12)
  • Sucrose

  • Glucose
  • Carbonated Water
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Magnesium Carbonate
  • Citric Acid

According to dieticians, there are several things in this list of ingredients that may pose a problem to our health if we consume too much Monster. 

Monster contains stimulating ingredients that should NOT be mixed together

Taurine, a key active ingredient in Monster, may pose cardiovascular risks to adolescents when combined with caffeine. A 2017 clinical review suggests that the combination of taurine and caffeine can be dangerous for our brain and body:
“Cardiac effects are exacerbated when taurine and caffeine are ingested together which can be a concern, given that caffeine alone can increase blood pressure and heart rate”
The other problematic ingredient is “glucuronolactone”, another stimulatory ingredient that could allegedly improve attention.
However, studies have shown that when combined with caffeine and taurine, glucuronolactone can cause negative changes to blood pressure and insulin sensitivity.

Researchers argue that this specific combination of ingredients could explain why many Monster consumers have developed irregular heartbeats and abnormally high heart rates.

In other words, the combined effect of caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone may be detrimental to your cardiovascular health. Something to keep in mind before consuming Monster drinks. 

Key criteria to choose a healthy energy drink:

To help you choose an energy drink that is genuinely good for you (both effective and healthy), we prepared a list of key “green flags” – following the latest recommendations from leading nutritionists. 
  • Must be sugar-free or low on sugar. Natural sugar from real fruits is healthier than added sugar. Note that a drink with 5 grams of natural sugar is better than a sugar-free drink full of aspartame or acesulfame-K.
  • No aspartame, ace-K, modified stevia, or erythritol. These 4 sweeteners can damage gut health and cause long-term health issues. Nearly all low-sugar energy drinks use sweeteners to make the drink taste good. One of the safer sweeteners is sucralose: a sweetener clinically proven to be safer than others.
  • Provides a sustained boost of energy, without crashes. The best energy drinks can give you a strong boost of energy for several hours, without causing jitters or crashes. This can be achieved with moderate amounts of natural caffeine and other plant-based energy boosters such as panax ginseng or ginger root extract. Some natural ingredients like saffron can also act as “caffeine smoothers” – they can reduce the side effects caused by caffeine, reducing energy crashes. 
  • No taurine or glucuronolactone. These substances have been found to increase the risk of cardiovascular problems if combined with caffeine. It’s better to stay away from these substances if you can. 
  • Moderate to low amounts of caffeine. Too much caffeine can create jitters and abrupt energy crashes. Anything between 50 and 100 grams is more than enough to give you a perceptible boost of energy, without causing unpleasant crashes. Ideally, the caffeine should come from natural sources (e.g., green coffee beans, black tea leaves) 
  • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins can not only improve your energy levels, but also boost your metabolism and immune system.

3 Healthier Alternatives To Red Bull Energy Drinks

To help you find an energy drink that is just as effective as Red Bull to give you an energy boost, but better for your health, our team of health specialists compiled a list of top 3 healthier alternatives to Red Bull.
This list was carefully curated in partnership with certified nutritionists, and takes several factors into consideration, including: ingredients quality, health impact, taste, value for money, and verified customer reviews.

Alpine Bliss Cognitive Energy Booster

Final Grade

9.5 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



  • Provides a strong, sustained energy boost without crashes
  • Improves mood and well-being thanks to a natural blend of cognitive boosters
  • Optimal dose of caffeine
  • Low on calories and sugar
  • Scientifically proven to be more effective than caffeine alone
  • No ace-K, aspartame, modified stevia or erythritol
  • Great taste, according to users
  • Uses pure Alpine water with high-quality plant-based ingredients
  • 30-day money-back guarantee


  • Frequently out of stock due to limited production
  • Only available online


One of the standout features of this Alpine Bliss is its ability to provide a strong, sustained boost of energy for several hours, without causing unpleasant energy crashes often associated with traditional energy drinks. This is achieved through a unique blend of high-quality plant-based ingredients, including 70 mg of caffeine from natural source, L-tyrosine, panax ginseng, and high-purity ginger root extract.
Consumers report experiencing a powerful and clean boost of energy, comparable to that of regular energy drinks, without jitters or crashes.
Aside from enhancing mental and physical energy, this formula is also known for creating a distinct feeling of well-being thanks to a proprietary blend of plant-based ingredients called DopaBliss™. This natural blend is specifically designed to boost cognitive levels – the “happy hormone” responsible for making us feel good and happy. 3 clinical studies have shown that their DopaBliss blend is more effective than caffeine alone at improving cognitive function, reaction time, power out, processing time and reducing the error rate on demanding tasks.
From a nutrition standpoint, the drink is also scoring very well. The formula contains just 25 calories per can, and only 5 grams of natural sugar from wild berries. It doesn’t contain the most harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame, ace-K, modified stevia or erythritol. It’s sweetened with fruit juice and sucralose, a safer sweetener. The drink also contains significantly more vitamins B6 and B12 than other products – two vitamins that boost energy and focus.
Beyond its functional health benefits, the Alpine Bliss formula also performs well on taste, according to consumers. Users praise its fruity wild berries flavor and refreshing fine bubbles. It strikes a delicate balance of sweetness and freshness, and delivers an enjoyable drinking experience.
On the minus side, we note that the drink is frequently out of stock, because it’s produced in limited batches as of now. It’s also exclusively available online at the moment.
Taking all of this into consideration puts Alpine Bliss Cognitive Energy booster in our #1 spot.

Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink

Final Grade

8.2 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



  • Strong boost of energy enabled by heavy dose of caffeine
  • May enhance mental energy and focus
  • Rich in vitamins
  • Zero added sugar
  • Good taste


  • Dose of caffeine may be too high for some consumers (160 mg)
  • Excessive amount of sodium (200 mg per can)


Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink provides a strong and energizing boost supported by a potent dose of natural caffeine. The high caffeine content delivers a noticeable surge of energy, which may help you stay alert and focused.
Thanks to the inclusion of vitamin B, Zoa Energy Drink may also enhance mental energy and focus, giving you an extra edge when you need it. Additionally, the presence of vitamin C in the drink may contribute to boosting immunity, supporting overall health and well-being.
Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink is also a zero added sugar formula. This makes it a healthier choice for those looking to limit their sugar intake while still enjoying an energy-boosting beverage.
Users have reported that Zoa Energy Drink has a great taste, making it enjoyable to consume.
However, it’s important to note that Zoa Zero Sugar Energy Drink contains a relatively high amount of sodium, with 200 mg per can. This sodium content may be considered unjustified, as excessive sodium intake can have negative effects on health. It’s advisable to be mindful of your overall sodium intake and consider alternative options if you have specific dietary restrictions.

Zevia Energy Drink

Final Grade

8.8 /10

Energy Boost




Value for Money


Ingredient Quality


Scientific Evidence



  • Strong energy boost
  • Healthier option than mainstream energy drinks
  • No sugar, carbs, or fat
  • Sweetened with stevia leaf extract


  • Caffeine content may be slightly too high for some people (120 mg). May cause jitters
  • Mixed reviews on the taste. Some find it overly sweet and chemical-tasting


Zevia Zero Calorie Energy Drink, with flavours including Raspberry Lime and Pineapple Coconut, is a good option for people looking for a healthier energy boost.
The drink contains no sugar, no carbs, no sodium, no fat, and it is suitable for a variety of diets including vegan, kosher, Paleo, and Keto. Sweetened with stevia leaf extract, this makes it an appropriate option for those who are on a diet but who still want to drink energy beverages for the energy kick they provide.
The primary source of energy is 120 milligrammes of caffeine per can, which comes from green tea leaves.
While this provides a large energy boost, moderation is essential due to the potential negative consequences of excessive caffeine consumption. We note that this dose of caffeine is slightly more than what is needed to provide a sustainable energy boost without side effects.
Such doses of caffeine may cause jitters and crashes for certain people who are sensitive to caffeine.
While most users appear to be satisfied with this drink, the taste of Zevia is not for everyone. The drink obtained mixed reviews on its taste, with some consumers finding it overly sweet and a bit too chemical in taste.
It does remain a strong option in the field of healthier, better-for-you energy drinks.
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